Hanna | Class of 2018 | Battlefield HS

Hanna is such a beautiful young woman. I was thrilled to do her senior photos. Hanna and her mom met me at the Manassas Battlefields on a super windy day. We worked with it and with Hanna’s awesome outfits, it was perfect. Even though we had a lot of wind, we had some gorgeous light!
Not only is Hanna beautiful, but she is super smart and a star in lacrosse. She’ll be attending IUP next year, isn’t that awesome?! I always love hearing about the plans of the seniors I photograph. They are so impressive and their goals and dreams are out of this world, and I never doubt for a second that they’re going to reach each of them.
Best of luck Hanna, enjoy the rest of your senior year, it’s flying by!
Here are some of my favorites from Hanna’s session…

Northern Virginia,Northern Virginia Senior Photographer,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,
Northern Virginia,Senior pictures. senior year,battlefield high school,class of 2018,hay.LO photography,hay.lo photo,haylo photo,haylo photography,manassas battlefields,northern virginia photographer,senior pics,

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