Today I read a poem that Jimmy Stewart wrote and read on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson about his dog, a Golden Retriever, “I’ll Never Forget A Dog Named Beau.”
The way it began made me smile, because it is exactly like my boy Comet. It begins like this:
“He never came to me when I would call
Unless I had a tennis ball,
Or he felt like it,
But mostly he didn’t come at all.
When he was young
He never learned to heel
Or sit or stay,
He did things his way…”
I am a dog lover to the core…and well Comet is just no ordinary dog. I swear he’s part stubborn-human-child. He marches to the beat of his own drum. I have always said that if he could talk he would sound like a laid back, hippie type. He stole my heart from day one. My daughter was about a year and a half old…they are growing together. I love it. A good friend of mine decided Comet is much more complex (sometimes) and deserved a middle name…well, two actually. So Comet became, Comet Reuban-Oxford. He is a sophisticated hippie. OH…and I must point out because I know you’re wondering (seriously you are)…He was not named Comet because of Full House. 😉 He is ‘Haylee’s Comet’

Isn’t he cute? haha ok…maybe those aren’t so cute but they totally capture his personality. He is the laziest thing I’ve ever seen too. He is the last one up in the morning and the first one to bed. Not to mention his multiple naps throughout the day, of course he assures me they are just for his beauty rest…he is maintaining his youth.
Can’t you tell…

When he decides it’s time to be petted, he lets us know and if we stop too soon we hear about it. He is very vocal and I don’t mean barking. He has a language of his own that is a mixture of howls, grunts, and sighs that I’m sure all mean something very specific.

So there you have it…that’s my boy Comet. After writing a whole blog about him, I just don’t feel right about not mentioning my other animal children…
Huey, Bella, and Gunner. They are all just as full of personality and love as Comet is in their own ways. I love my animals!
And while I’m at it…here’s Molly, my mom’s dog, both of whom live with us as well.

Cuteness overload?
Well, now you’ve seen my zoo. It gets crazy at times but I wouldn’t change it. Dogs are the best 😉
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